Booking at Manairó

Complete the form below to send us your booking request.

Name, surname
* Mobile Phone
* Email
* Confir mail
Food intolerance
Booking Day
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(*) Obligate fiels
Please indicate the date and time if you want to book.
We will contact you to confirm your reservation.

Opening times:

Monday to Saturday.
* Lunch: 13:30 to 15:30
* Dinner: 20:30 to 23:00
We are closed the first week of January, Sundays and bank holidays.

Free Internet access (Wi-Fi).

You have at your disposal a concerted car park service in Casp Street, corner of Marina Street: Parking Giménez

We are at

Diputació, 424
08035 Barcelona
Telephone: 93 231 00 57
[email protected]
